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    • 明星
  • 鼠胆龙威(综艺)英语版

    • 主演:内详 
    • 导演:内详 
    • 分类:综艺
    • 地区:美国 
    • 年份:2020 
    • 更新:04.09
    • 简介:A holiday home becomes the theatre of a hunting scene between the new family cat Marcel and the previous owner's mouse Cheeky. What seems like a total



    A holiday home becomes the theatre of a hunting scene between the new family cat Marcel and the previous owner's mouse Cheeky. What seems like a totally uneven match turns out to be an exciting face-off, where the predator uses a wide variety of schemes to reach his target, but his prey becomes even more resourceful in his bid to escape being caught. It gets more complicated when other predators and prey join in the game of cat and mouse.



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