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    A satire on anti-munist paranoia in the days of fascist dictatorship in Portugal. The series follows the adventures of the "Lusitanian superhero", the ultra-patriotic Captain Falcão, a man who follows the direct orders of António de Oliveira Salazar in the fight against the "red menace". Starring Gonçalo Waddington, as Captain Falcão, David Chan Cordeiro (also responsible for coordinating the work of doubles) as his sidekick Puto Perdiz and José Pinto in the role of portuguese dictator, António de Oliveira Salazar.


    • 高清 火线营救 阿里亚德娜·希尔,劳尔·梅里达,罗伯托·阿拉莫,安东尼奥·加里多,英格丽·加西亚·荣松,贾格布·迪森塔,意斯梅尔·马丁内斯,纳赛尔·萨雷,玛丽亚姆·埃尔南德斯,鲁丝·加布瑞尔,尤尼斯·贝希尔,大卫·德·拉·托雷,哈维尔·博多洛,贝尔塔·埃尔南德斯,塞尔吉奥·莫莫
    • 第41集 沸腾的群山 张连文,徐长有,石宝光,赵宇新,赵万德
    • 8.3 HD国语中字 大决战1辽沈战役 古月,苏林,赵恒多,吴志远,孙海英
    • HD 血战千顷洼 黑子,李永田,马诗红,丁冬,穆立新,于莉红,刘兴盛,杨俊杰,唐伟,郝文婷,王少鹏,李金声,海阿匐
    • 2.0 高清 血战钢锯岭 安德鲁·加菲尔德,萨姆·沃辛顿,文斯·沃恩,雨果·维文
    • 4.3 HD 许世友出拳 赵福余,兰岚,张棪琰


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