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    7.8 HD中字
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    • 主演:Howard Truesdale Kathleen Myers Ray Thompson Brown Eyes 
    • 导演:巴斯特·基顿 
    • 分类:喜剧片
    • 地区:美国 
    • 年份:1925 
    • 更新:05.03
    • 简介:在小镇上,一个年轻人游手好闲无所事事,于是他决定去纽约碰碰运气。影片讲述了1925年发生在美国西部牛仔的故事,风格搞笑幽默。A young man who doesn't find a job in his small hometown, tries his luck in New York, bu


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    在小镇上,一个年轻人游手好闲无所事事,于是他决定去纽约碰碰运气。影片讲述了1925年发生在美国西部牛仔的故事,风格搞笑幽默。A young man who doesn't find a job in his small hometown, tries his luck in New York, but is overwelmed by the life of the city, so decides to try his luck somewhere else after a only a few minutes in New York. He falls off a train near a ranch, where he tries his luck as a cowbowy, being in his own way very sucessful. But he shows what he can do when the farm has to bring a 100 head of cattle to the slaughterhouses of Los Angeles to avoid going bankrupt, against the will of his neighbour who wants a better price. After a shoot-out with the neighbour's men he's the only person on a Los Angeles bound train with 1000 cows....



    • 8.9 HD中字 七次机会 巴斯特·基顿,T.罗伊·巴尔内斯,辛兹·爱德华,露丝·德怀尔
    • 7.8 HD中字 西行 Howard,Truesdale,Kathleen,Myers,Ray,Thompson,Brown,Eyes
    • 9.1 DVD 将军号 巴斯特·基顿,玛丽昂·马克,格伦·卡文德,吉姆·法利
    • 7.7 DVD 三个时代 巴斯特·基顿,玛格丽特·利赫,华莱士·比里,乔·罗伯茨,莉莲·劳伦斯,丘比·摩根,莱昂内尔·贝尔莫尔,George,Davis,Louise,Emmons,布兰奇·佩森
    • 6.3 DVD 呆子 爱德华·乔布森,比尤拉·布克,爱德华·康奈利,爱德华·亚历山大,埃文·坎明斯,Odette,Taylor,Carol,Holloway,Jack,Livingston,William,H.,Crane,巴斯特·基顿,Katherine,Albert,Henry,Clauss,Alfred,Hollingsworth,Helen,Holte,Jeffrey,Williams
    • 7.6 DVD 大学 巴斯特·基顿,安妮·康尼瓦尔,Flora,Bramley,哈罗德·古德温,辛兹·爱德华,卡尔·哈博,Sam,Crawford,弗劳伦斯·特娜,Lee,Barnes,Robert,Boling,Charles,Borah,Leighton,Dye,Paul,Goldsmith,Kenneth,Grumbles,查理·霍尔,Bud,Houser,Morton,Kaer,詹姆斯·T·麦克,Buddy,Mason,Madame,Sul-Te-Wan,格兰特·威瑟斯

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