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    This futuristic science fiction comedy features an atomic bomb blast that causes women to grow beards and lose the ability to have children. A summit meeting is held at the United Nations, with the proposed solution of building a time machine. The decision is made to travel back in time and murder Einstein, with the hopeful result being that without the noted mathematician's research there will be no atomic bombs.



    • 6.8 HD 莎拉宁愿跑步 索菲·德马雷,Jean-Sébastien,Courchesne,吉纳维芙·博伊文-鲁西,海灵弗洛伦特,米其林·兰克图,Eve,Duranceau
    • 5.8 HD 真心话大冒险 珍妮-雅克,连姆·博伊尔,弗劳伦斯·霍尔,杰克·戈登
    • 7.7 HD 长翅膀的猪 塞森·加布埃,巴亚·贝拉尔,乌尔里希·图库尔,马里亚姆·特凯亚,Gassan,Abbas,Khalifa,Natour,Lotfi,Abdelli,Khaled,Riani
    • 7.8 HD 尘雾家园 詹妮弗·康纳利,本·金斯利,朗·埃达德,弗兰西丝·费舍,金·迪肯斯,索瑞·安达斯鲁,乔纳森·阿道特,娜维·罗华,卡洛斯·戈麦斯,奇亚杰姆,Jaleh,Modjallal,萨米拉·达玛万狄,Matthew,Simonian,娜姆拉塔辛格古吉尔,纳塞尔·法里斯
    • 7.2 HD 听风者之歌 Barakat,Jabbour,朱莉娅·卡萨,Toufic,Barakat,Michel,Adabachi,Sajed,Amer,Abido,Bacha,Georges,Diab,Asraa,a,Drouba,Raymond,Haddouni,Gaby,Khalil,Nassim,Khodr,Odette,Makhlouf,Raymonde,Saade,Azar
    • 7.9 已完结 达·芬奇的恶魔第二季 汤姆·莱利,格雷格·奇林,艾略特·科万,塞林·琼斯,Stephen,Marzella,罗斯·奥亨尼西,劳拉·普沃,维利贝·托皮奇,Gioacchino,Jim,Cuffaro,Isabella,Blake-Thomas,海拉·西尔玛,布莱克·瑞特森,阿兰·柯德勒,詹姆斯·福克纳,亚历山大·希迪格,克瑞恩·比尤

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