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    • 主演:未知
    • 导演:Giacomo Durzi 
    • 分类:纪录片
    • 地区:法国 
    • 年份:2017 
    • 更新:05.03
    • 简介:It’s a rare feeling when we open a book and find ourselves lost in its pages; finding pieces of ourselves in the story and letting ourselves be envelo



    It’s a rare feeling when we open a book and find ourselves lost in its pages; finding pieces of ourselves in the story and letting ourselves be enveloped in the emotions that arise. This effect is what the works of Elena Ferrante are most known for. Listed among Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world, Elena Ferrante is a contemporary icon, whose identity is closely linked to her novels and nothing more. Despite her massive international success, Elena Ferrante is an author whose true identity remains unknown. Via excerpt readings and interviews with critics, directors, booksellers, editors and authors such as Jonathan Franzen and Elizabeth Strout, Ferrante Fever explores Ferrante’s deeply intimate writing and looks into her choice to remain anonymous, which sparked an unprecedented cultural debate. Filmed between Italy and the United States, Ferrante Fever doesn’t necessarily go in search of the identity of the "faceless writer,” instead, it hopes to discover the secret of her success. How was she able to create stories that would conquer readers over the course of 12 years? In-depth interviews provide answers, but so do the writer's own words, and the places and protagonists in her novels.


    • 更新至第02集 年少轻狂第四季 克里斯·瓦利,亚历克斯·墨菲,Demi Isaac Oviawe,詹妮弗·巴里,希拉里·罗斯,沙恩·凯西,多米尼克·麦克海尔,The MacHale Barbershop Quartet,奥拉·菲茨杰拉德,P·J·加拉格尔
    • 更新至第14集 狐妖小红娘·月红篇 杨幂,龚俊,郭晓婷,魏哲鸣,胡连馨,温峥嵘,祝绪丹,杨仕泽,陈瑶,茅子俊,陈都灵,张凌赫,范明,梁超,黄志玮,李宇皓 ,洪潇,冯筱童
    • 8.0 更新至第28集 老家伙 张国立,王刚,张铁林,周涛,张昊唯,孙安可,王自健,刘佳
    • 已完结 莎德莱克 阿瑟·修斯,肖恩·宾,安东尼·鲍伊,巴布·塞赛,鲁比·阿什伯恩·瑟金斯,保罗·凯耶,马修·斯蒂尔
    • 已完结 面纱之下 伊丽莎白·莫斯,尤娜·马尔万,达利·本萨拉赫,乔西·查尔斯,卡罗尔·斯蒂尔,亚力克·塞克雷亚努,蒂博·德·蒙塔朗贝尔,Anil,Christie,寇布勒·霍尔德布鲁克-史密斯,詹姆斯·鲍弗,乔安娜·里贝罗,Phill,Langhorne,丹·威利,阿隆·冯·安德里安,安德烈·多伦特,阿图尔·夏尔马,乔治·泰勒,菲利普·克里斯托弗,盖·罗宾斯,贝恩·科拉科
    • 已完结 纳克鲁斯 伊德里斯·艾尔巴,亚当·佩里,卡迪小子,艾莉·泰勒,科琳·欧肖内希,丹尼尔·辛格,阿尔弗雷多·塔瓦雷斯,保罗·谢尔,艾迪·帕特森,加利·艾尔维斯,提卡·森普特,罗布·许贝尔,杰米·巴尔巴科夫,克里斯托弗·洛伊德,斯托卡特·詹宁,罗伊·麦克凯恩,Anaya Thorley,Alice Wren Tregonning,Pierre Woodward,Tony Coughlan

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