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    7.5 超清1280高清中字版
  • 真相之后:造谣与假新闻的代价



    In the age of social media, this eye-opening documentary examines the rising phenomenon of “fake news” in the U.S. and the impact that disinformation, conspiracy theories and false news stories have on the average citizen. The film focuses on several high-profile made-up news stories in recent years with real world consequences, including the infamous “Pizzagate” case, the disinformation campaigns that influenced the 2016 presidential election, the Jade Helm conspiracy, and others. Drawing from exclusive verite access and interviews with a variety of experts, as well as purveyors and targets of misinformation, the documentary sheds light on how post-truth culture has become an increasingly dangerous part of the global information environment.



    • 8.2 HD中字 象牙塔 安德鲁·德尔班科,彼德·蒂尔,安雅·卡梅涅茨,德鲁·浮士德,罗布·鲍登,大卫·马伦,克莱顿·克里斯坦森,安东尼·卡内瓦,特蕾莎·沙利文,迈克尔·罗斯,迈克尔·克罗,苏拉·汉密尔顿,乔尔·施格瑟,贾姆希德·巴如查,路易斯·梅南,伊莉莎白·华伦
    • HD中字 真相背后:虚假新闻与信息的代价 Jack,Burkman,Elizabeth,Williamson,Molly,McKew,Troy,Michalik,Paul,Pape,Nina,Roach,Caleb,Roach,Derrick,Broze,Ross,Ramsey,Craig,Silverman,James,Alefantis,Keith,Alexander,Bryce,Reh,Daniel,Saperstein,Oliver,Darcy
    • 7.5 超清1280高清中字版 真相之后:造谣与假新闻的代价 Jack,Burkman,Elizabeth,Williamson,Molly,McKew,Troy,Michalik,Paul,Pape,Nina,Roach,Caleb,Roach,Derrick,Broze,Ross,Ramsey,Craig,Silverman,James,Alefantis,Keith,Alexander,Bryce,Reh,Daniel,Saperstein,Oliver,Darcy

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