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    Bilal, a bright eyed carefree boy ignited with fanciful imagination and a dream only a 7 years old can conjure. His voice, a true gift. On a day as similar as any, this dream turns into a nightmare when the village he lives in is ransacked, orphaning him and his younger sister, Ghufaira. Thrown in a world where greed and injustice rule all, Bilal and Ghufaira find themselves bound to the chaotic wills and wants of the most powerful man in the City, Umayya. Dreams of freedom and the warrior he fantasized he would become, are kept deep in Bilal's yearning heart. Bilal will soon learn he must choose his own fate, and find the courage to raise his voice. Bilal will challenge everything.


    • 6.5 12集全 新撰组镇魂歌:二分之一 铃木达央,梅原裕一郎,木村良平,代永翼,苍井翔太,高木涉,古川慎,落合福嗣,森久保祥太郎,小西克幸
    • 14集全 哈姆太郎 间宫胡桃,爱河里花子,村井每早,伊藤健太郎,佐久间玲,本田贵子,池泽春菜,柚木凉香,大谷育江
    • 73集全 迷你偶像第二季 中村绘里子,长谷川明子,今井麻美,仁后真耶子,浅仓杏美,平田宏美,下田麻美,钉宫理惠,高桥智秋,原由实,沼仓爱美,若林直美,泷田树里,间岛淳司
    • 24集全 PUNKISS! 2次元 石田知之,大山圣文,冈本信彦,佐藤匠,高桥广树,桧山修之,松井健太,结木滉星
    • 10集全 灰色的乐园 樱井孝宏,田中凉子,田口宏子,水桥香织,たみやすともえ,清水爱,鸣海エリカ,友永朱音,瑞泽溪,鹤冈聪,诹访彩花
    • 26集全 迷你裙宇宙海贼 小松未可子,下田麻美,花泽香菜,户松遥,金元寿子,小见川千明,伊藤静,松风雅也,藤原启治,堀江由衣,三宅健太,水原薰,松冈祯丞,佐藤利奈,日笠阳子,三森铃子,安野希世乃,内田真礼,巽悠衣子,佐藤聪美,赤崎千夏,西明日香,高森奈津美,茅野爱衣,南条爱乃,伊濑茉莉也,松本保典,安元洋贵,甲斐田裕子,能登麻美子,小山力也,飞田展男,岩泽俊树,柳田淳一,金本凉辅,大西沙织,饭田友子,村中知,石川界人

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